Division I Team Rankings by Jason Bryant | Oct 20, 2016 Rankings for NCAA Division I teams dating back to 1959. Rankings are via Amateur Wrestling News and later, the National Wrestling Coaches Association Division I Coaches Poll. rankid : Season : Date : Rank : School : Nothing selected Air ForceAmericanAppalachian StateArizonaArizona StateArmy West PointAuburnBinghamtonBloomsburgBoise StateBoston UniversityBrigham YoungBrownBucknellCal PolyCal State-FullertonCalifornia (Pa.)CampbellCentral MichiganChattanoogaClarionClemsonCleveland StateColoradoColorado StateColumbiaCornellCSU BakersfieldDrexelDukeEast StroudsburgEdinboroFresno StateHarvardHofstraIllinoisIndianaIndiana StateIowaIowa StateKent StateKentuckyLehighLittle RockLock HavenLouisiana StateMarylandMichiganMichigan StateMinnesotaMinnesota StateMissouriMSU MoorheadNavyNC StateNebraskaNorth CarolinaNorth Dakota StateNorthern ColoradoNorthern IllinoisNorthern IowaNorthwesternNotre DameOhioOhio StateOklahomaOklahoma StateOld DominionOregonOregon StatePennPenn StatePittsburghPortland StatePrincetonPurdueRiderRutgersSan Jose StateSlippery RockSouth Dakota StateSouthern IllinoisStanfordSyracuseTennesseeThe CitadelToledoUC DavisUtahUtah StateUtah ValleyVirginiaVirginia TechWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyomingNothing selectedAir ForceAmericanAppalachian StateArizonaArizona StateArmy West PointAuburnBinghamtonBloomsburgBoise StateBoston UniversityBrigham YoungBrownBucknellCal PolyCal State-FullertonCalifornia (Pa.)CampbellCentral MichiganChattanoogaClarionClemsonCleveland StateColoradoColorado StateColumbiaCornellCSU BakersfieldDrexelDukeEast StroudsburgEdinboroFresno StateHarvardHofstraIllinoisIndianaIndiana StateIowaIowa StateKent StateKentuckyLehighLittle RockLock HavenLouisiana StateMarylandMichiganMichigan StateMinnesotaMinnesota StateMissouriMSU MoorheadNavyNC StateNebraskaNorth CarolinaNorth Dakota StateNorthern ColoradoNorthern IllinoisNorthern IowaNorthwesternNotre DameOhioOhio StateOklahomaOklahoma StateOld DominionOregonOregon StatePennPenn StatePittsburghPortland StatePrincetonPurdueRiderRutgersSan Jose StateSlippery RockSouth Dakota StateSouthern IllinoisStanfordSyracuseTennesseeThe CitadelToledoUC DavisUtahUtah StateUtah ValleyVirginiaVirginia TechWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyoming Conference : Nothing selected Start typing a search queryNothing selected Show 100 15102550100All15102550100All entries Season Date Rank School Conference 1 1960 12-14-1959 1 Penn State EIWA 2 1960 12-14-1959 2 Oklahoma Big 8 3 1960 12-14-1959 3 Oklahoma State Big 8 4 1960 12-14-1959 4 Iowa Big Ten 5 1960 12-14-1959 5 Iowa State Big 8 6 1960 12-14-1959 6 Syracuse EIWA 7 1960 12-14-1959 7 Michigan State Big Ten 8 1960 12-14-1959 8 Cornell EIWA 9 1960 12-14-1959 9 Lehigh EIWA 10 1960 12-14-1959 10 Minnesota State NSIC 11 1960 01-25-1960 1 Oklahoma State Big 8 12 1960 01-25-1960 2 Oklahoma Big 8 13 1960 01-25-1960 3 Penn State EIWA 14 1960 01-25-1960 4 Michigan Big Ten 15 1960 01-25-1960 5 Iowa State Big 8 16 1960 01-25-1960 6 Iowa Big Ten 17 1960 01-25-1960 7 Cornell EIWA 18 1960 01-25-1960 8 Wyoming Skyline 19 1960 01-25-1960 9 Lehigh EIWA 20 1960 01-25-1960 10 Pittsburgh EIWA 21 1960 03-01-1960 1 Oklahoma Big 8 22 1960 03-01-1960 2 Oklahoma State Big 8 23 1960 03-01-1960 3 Penn State EIWA 24 1960 03-01-1960 4 Iowa State Big 8 25 1960 03-01-1960 5 Michigan Big Ten 26 1960 03-01-1960 6 Pittsburgh EIWA 27 1960 03-01-1960 7 Cornell EIWA 28 1960 03-01-1960 8 Michigan State Big Ten 29 1960 03-01-1960 9 Iowa Big Ten 30 1960 03-01-1960 10 Navy EIWA 31 1961 12-12-1960 1 Oklahoma State Big 8 32 1961 12-12-1960 2 Oklahoma Big 8 33 1961 12-12-1960 3 Michigan Big Ten 34 1961 12-12-1960 4 Pittsburgh EIWA 35 1961 12-12-1960 5 Iowa Big Ten 36 1961 12-12-1960 6 Lehigh EIWA 37 1961 12-12-1960 7 Penn State EIWA 38 1961 12-12-1960 8 Michigan State Big Ten 39 1961 12-12-1960 9 Minnesota State NSIC 40 1961 12-12-1960 10 Iowa State Big 8 41 1961 02-08-1961 1 Oklahoma State Big 8 42 1961 02-08-1961 2 Lehigh EIWA 43 1961 02-08-1961 3 Michigan Big Ten 44 1961 02-08-1961 4 Oklahoma Big 8 45 1961 02-08-1961 5 Iowa Big Ten 46 1961 02-08-1961 6 Iowa State Big 8 47 1961 02-08-1961 7 Penn State EIWA 48 1961 02-08-1961 8 Army West Point EIWA 49 1961 02-08-1961 9 Pittsburgh EIWA 50 1961 02-08-1961 10 Michigan State Big Ten 51 1962 12-13-1961 1 Oklahoma State Big 8 52 1962 12-13-1961 2 Lehigh EIWA 53 1962 12-13-1961 3 Oklahoma Big 8 54 1962 12-13-1961 4 Pittsburgh EIWA 55 1962 12-13-1961 5 Michigan State Big Ten 56 1962 12-13-1961 6 Northern Iowa 57 1962 12-13-1961 7 Iowa Big Ten 58 1962 12-13-1961 8 Iowa State Big 8 59 1962 12-13-1961 9 Army West Point EIWA 60 1962 12-13-1961 10 Michigan Big Ten 61 1962 02-08-1962 1 Oklahoma State Big 8 62 1962 02-08-1962 2 Lehigh EIWA 63 1962 02-08-1962 3 Oklahoma Big 8 64 1962 02-08-1962 4 Pittsburgh EIWA 65 1962 02-08-1962 5 Michigan Big Ten 66 1962 02-08-1962 6 Michigan State Big Ten 67 1962 02-08-1962 7 Army West Point EIWA 68 1962 02-08-1962 8 Iowa Big Ten 69 1962 02-08-1962 9 Penn State EIWA 70 1962 02-08-1962 10 Iowa State Big 8 71 1963 12-12-1962 1 Oklahoma Big 8 72 1963 12-12-1962 2 Oklahoma State Big 8 73 1963 12-12-1962 3 Iowa Big Ten 74 1963 12-12-1962 4 Lehigh EIWA 75 1963 12-12-1962 5 Colorado State Big 8 76 1963 12-12-1962 6 Michigan Big Ten 77 1963 12-12-1962 7 Wyoming Skyline 78 1963 12-12-1962 8 Iowa State Big 8 79 1963 12-12-1962 9 Syracuse EIWA 80 1963 12-12-1962 10 Michigan State Big Ten 81 1963 02-06-1963 1 Oklahoma State Big 8 82 1963 02-06-1963 2 Oklahoma Big 8 83 1963 02-06-1963 3 Iowa Big Ten 84 1963 02-06-1963 4 Syracuse EIWA 85 1963 02-06-1963 5 Navy EIWA 86 1963 02-06-1963 6 Penn State EIWA 87 1963 02-06-1963 7 Michigan Big Ten 88 1963 02-06-1963 8 Pittsburgh EIWA 89 1963 02-06-1963 9 Iowa State Big 8 90 1963 02-06-1963 10 Northern Colorado RMAC 91 1964 12-11-1963 1 Iowa State Big 8 92 1964 12-11-1963 2 Oklahoma State Big 8 93 1964 12-11-1963 3 Michigan Big Ten 94 1964 12-11-1963 4 Pittsburgh EIWA 95 1964 12-11-1963 5 Syracuse EIWA 96 1964 12-11-1963 6 Northern Colorado RMAC 97 1964 12-11-1963 7 Lehigh EIWA 98 1964 12-11-1963 8 Navy EIWA 99 1964 12-11-1963 9 Minnesota Big Ten 100 1964 12-11-1963 10 Colorado Big 8