2017-18 WCWA Dual Meet Results Date : Win : Lose : Crit. : Nothing selected Start typing a search queryNothing selected Show 100 15102550100All15102550100All entries Date Win Score Lose Score Crit. Link 77 10-18-2017 Wayland Baptist 30 WCWA Grays Harbor 16 WCWA YES Box Score 81 10-21-2017 U. of the Cumberlands 35 WCWA U. of the Cumberlands B 5 WCWA WOM Box Score 82 10-21-2017 Campbellsville 46 WCWA Lindenwood-Belleville 4 WCWA WOM Box Score 83 10-21-2017 King 36 WCWA Ferrum 12 WCWA WOM Box Score 84 10-21-2017 Campbellsville B 25 WCWA Life 23 WCWA WOM Box Score 85 10-21-2017 U. of the Cumberlands 38 WCWA Life 8 WCWA WOM Box Score 86 10-21-2017 King 29 WCWA U. of the Cumberlands B 10 WCWA WOM Box Score 87 10-21-2017 Campbellsville B 28 WCWA Lindenwood-Belleville 7 WCWA WOM Box Score 88 10-21-2017 Campbellsville 41 WCWA Ferrum 4 WCWA WOM Box Score 89 10-21-2017 King 23 WCWA U. of the Cumberlands 22 WCWA WOM Box Score 90 10-21-2017 Ferrum 23 WCWA Lindenwood-Belleville 15 WCWA WOM Box Score 91 10-21-2017 U. of the Cumberlands B 20 WCWA Campbellsville B 16 WCWA WOM Box Score 92 10-21-2017 Campbellsville 36 WCWA Life 9 WCWA WOM Box Score 93 10-21-2017 Eastern Oregon 44 WCWA Umpqua CC 1 WCWA WOM 94 10-22-2017 U. of the Cumberlands 33 WCWA Campbellsville B 13 WCWA WOM Box Score 95 10-22-2017 Campbellsville 44 WCWA U. of the Cumberlands B 1 WCWA WOM Box Score 96 10-22-2017 Ferrum 28 WCWA Life 19 WCWA WOM Box Score 97 10-22-2017 King 38 WCWA Lindenwood-Belleville 9 WCWA WOM Box Score 98 10-22-2017 U. of the Cumberlands 40 WCWA Ferrum 8 WCWA WOM Box Score 99 10-22-2017 King 24 WCWA LIfe 13 WCWA WOM Box Score 100 10-22-2017 U. of the Cumberlands B 30 WCWA Lindenwood-Belleville 16 WCWA WOM Box Score 101 10-22-2017 Campbellville 35 WCWA U. of the Cumberlands 11 WCWA WOM Box Score 102 10-22-2017 King 24 WCWA Campbellsville B 21 WCWA WOM Box Score 103 10-22-2017 U. of the Cumberlands B 35 WCWA Ferrum 13 WCWA WOM Box Score 104 10-22-2017 Life 25 WCWA Lindenwood-Belleville 19 WCWA WOM Box Score 105 10-22-2017 U. of the Cumberlands 37 WCWA Lindenwood-Belleville 4 WCWA WOM Box Score 106 10-22-2017 Life 24 WCWA U. of the Cumberlands B 22 WCWA WOM Box Score 107 10-22-2017 Campbellsville B 32 WCWA Ferrum 16 WCWA WOM Box Score 108 10-22-2017 Campbellsville 37 WCWA King 8 WCWA WOM Box Score 112 10-10-2017 Lindenwood-Belleville 20 WCWA Brewton-Parker 17 WCWA WOM 113 10-13-2017 Life 30 WCWA Brewton-Parker 10 WCWA WOM 114 10-13-2017 Emmanuel 42 WCWA Lyon 5 WCWA WOM Box Score 115 10-13-2017 Emmanuel 38 WCWA Lindenwood 6 WCWA WOM Box Score 116 10-13-2017 Emmanuel 38 WCWA Alberta (Can.) 6 U-SPORT WOM Box Score 117 10-13-2017 Life 34 WCWA Lyon 13 WCWA WOM 118 10-13-2017 Lyon 21 WCWA Brewton-Parker 20 WCWA WOM 119 10-14-2017 Lindenwood 23 WCWA Brewton-Parker 19 WCWA WOM 120 10-14-2017 Alberta (Can.) 25 U-SPORT Lindenwood 21 WCWA WOM 121 10-08-2017 Bacone 44 WCWA St. Mary (Kan.) 11 WCWA WOM 122 10-13-2017 Life 32 WCWA Alberta (Can.) 10 U-SPORT WOM 123 10-27-2017 Ottawa 41 WCWA Bacone 5 WCWA WOM Box Score 124 10-28-2017 Lindenwood 26 WCWA Lindenwood-Belleville 21 WCWA WOM 125 10-28-2017 Life 30 WCWA Lindenwood-Belleville 18 WCWA WOM 126 10-28-2017 Life 26 WCWA Lindenwood 13 WCWA WOM 127 10-27-2017 Campbellsville 46 WCWA Brewton-Parker 0 WCWA WOM Box Score 128 10-27-2017 Campbellsville 45 WCWA Missouri Valley 0 WCWA WOM Box Score 129 10-28-2017 U. of the Cumberlands 34 WCWA Brewton-Parker 7 WCWA WOM Box Score 130 10-28-2017 U. of the Cumberlands 26 WCWA Emmanuel 18 WCWA WOM Box Score 131 10-28-2017 Emmanuel 38 WCWA Missouri Valley 7 WCWA WOM Box Score 132 10-28-2017 U. of the Cumberlands B 28 WCWA Brewton-Parker 17 WCWA WOM Box Score 133 10-28-2017 Emmanuel 32 WCWA U. of the Cumberlands B 13 WCWA WOM Box Score 134 10-28-2017 Missouri Valley 29 WCWA Brewton-Parker 10 WCWA WOM Box Score 135 10-28-2017 U. of the Cumberlands 38 WCWA Missouri Valley 8 WCWA WOM Box Score 136 10-28-2017 Emmanuel 44 WCWA Brewton-Parker 4 WCWA WOM Box Score 137 10-28-2017 Lyon 28 WCWA St. Mary (Kan.) 8 WCWA WOM 235 11-04-2017 Jamestown 24 WCWA Saskatchewan 15 U-SPORT WOM 236 11-04-2017 Ottawa 33 WCWA Midland 7 WCWA WOM 237 11-04-2017 Jamestown 29 WCWA Waldorf 17 WCWA WOM 238 11-04-2017 Ottawa 30 WCWA Saskatchewan 10 U-SPORT WOM 239 11-04-2017 Midland 27 WCWA Waldorf 21 WCWA WOM 240 11-04-2017 Ottawa 27 WCWA Jamestown 10 WCWA WOM 241 11-04-2017 Midland 24 WCWA Saskatchewan 20 U-SPORT WOM 242 11-04-2017 Ottawa 34 WCWA Waldorf 14 WCWA WOM 243 11-04-2017 Waldorf 24 WCWA Saskatchewan 20 WCWA WOM 244 11-04-2017 Jamestown 29 WCWA Midland 13 WCWA WOM 245 11-04-2017 Eastern Oregon 28 WCWA Providence (Mont.) 13 WCWA WOM Box Score 246 11-04-2017 Southwestern Oregon 24 WCWA Southern Oregon 20 WCWA WOM Box Score 247 11-04-2017 Campbellsville 32 WCWA Life 13 WCWA WOM Box Score 248 11-02-2017 Ottawa 36 WCWA St. Mary (Kan.) 17 WCWA WOM Box Score 276 11-08-2017 Missouri Baptist 30 WCWA Lyon 10 WCWA WOM Box Score 277 10-22-2017 Campbellsville 35 WCWA U. of the Cumberlands 11 WCWA WOM Box Score 382 11-10-2017 King 29 WCWA Emmanuel 17 WCWA WOM Box Score 383 11-10-2017 King 48 WCWA Ferrum 1 WCWA WOM Box Score 384 11-10-2017 Emmanuel 35 WCWA Ferrum 11 WCWA WOM Box Score 385 11-10-2017 Menlo 39 WCWA Southern Oregon 8 WCWA WOM Box Score 386 11-11-2017 U. of the Cumberlands 24 WCWA Life 21 WCWA WOM Box Score 387 11-11-2017 Life 26 WCWA U. of the Cumberlands B 21 WCWA WOM Box Score 388 11-13-2017 Jamestown 25 WCWA Regina (Can.) 17 U-SPORT WOM Box Score 392 11-15-2017 Campbellsville 31 WCWA U. of the Cumberlands 12 WCWA WOM Box Score 572 11-17-2017 Eastern Oregon 27 WCWA Southern Oregon 21 WCWA WOM Box Score 573 11-17-2017 Warner Pacific 18 WCWA Providence (Mont.) 17 WCWA WOM 740 11-29-2017 Ferrum 25 WCWA Brewton-Parker 15 WCWA WOM 741 11-29-2017 Emmanuel 40 WCWA Brewton-Parker 10 WCWA WOM 742 12-05-2017 Life 26 WCWA Emmanuel 20 WCWA WOM 743 12-01-2017 Jamestown 24 WCWA Regina (Can.) 22 U-SPORT WOM Box Score 744 12-02-2017 Simon Fraser 31 WCWA Grays Harbor 15 WCWA WOM 764 12-07-2017 Missouri Baptist 29 WCWA Lindenwood-Belleville 12 WCWA WOM 919 12-07-2017 Missouri Baptist 37 WCWA St. Mary (Kan.) 10 WCWA WOM 920 12-15-2017 Emmanuel 40 WCWA Southern Oregon 7 WCWA WOM Box Score 921 12-15-2017 Southern Oregon 33 WCWA Eastern Oregon 11 WCWA WOM Box Score 922 12-15-2017 Southern Oregon 22 WCWA Umpqua CC 6 WCWA WOM Box Score 923 12-09-2017 McKendree 38 WCWA Emmanuel 7 WCWA WOM Box Score 924 12-09-2017 Emmanuel 34 WCWA Lindenwood 10 WCWA WOM Box Score 933 12-15-2017 Eastern Oregon 20 WCWA Grays Harbor 18 WCWA WOM Box Score 934 12-15-2017 Emmanuel 40 WCWA Grays Harbor 5 WCWA WOM Box Score 935 12-15-2017 Emmanuel 45 WCWA Eastern Oregon 4 WCWA WOM Box Score 939 12-15-2017 Campbellsville 35 WCWA U. of the Cumberlands 11 WCWA WOM 1,099 01-02-2018 Regina (Sask.) 23 U-SPORT Southern Oregon 19 WCWA WOM Box Score 1,100 01-02-2018 Southern Oregon 20 WCWA Providence (Mont.) 15 WCWA WOM Box Score 1,105 01-04-2018 U. of the Cumberlands 36 WCWA Life 11 WCWA WOM Box Score